目前Looking for Eric在IMDB上的評分維持在8分的高檔,
英國衛報(The Guardian)在五月初針對影片作了篇長文如下(節錄):
The awkward squad Ken Loach and Eric Cantona looked like a mismatch, until they worked together and it turned out they're soul brothers - uncompromising and intense. So how come the result is Loach's most light-hearted movie in years?
->如此怪異的團隊- 肯洛區與艾瑞克坎東納,看似一組不協調的配對.直到他們一同拍片工作,結果,他們變成了心靈之交:不妥協與熱情的交流.何以該片成為肯洛區近年拍起來最得心應手的影片?
April 9 2008, and they are spotted together for the first time. Nobody can quite believe it. Ken Loach is sitting next to Eric Cantona in the directors' box at Old Trafford for Manchester United's Champions League match with Roma. Surely some mistake.
June 16 2008: Eric Cantona stands in a Manchester pub whispering arcane Cantona-isms to a scruffy, unshaven bloke. Cantona is playing big Eric, himself; the other man is Little Eric, a postman who has cracked up, driven hundreds of times round a roundabout at speed the wrong way, ended up in a psychiatric hospital, smoked too much cannabis on his release and now believes that his idol Eric Cantona has become his friend and mentor.
Little Eric learns that he has to think positive and take risks to have a chance in life. Looking For Eric is also a film about old-fashioned solidarity - Cantona tells the postman you must always trust your team-mates, something he grows to appreciate through the film.
Looking For Eric is Loach's first comedy in 20 years. It's a wonderful, humane, feel-good movie. Though, as you'd expect with a Loach film, he still plumbs the depths along the way. The film deals with broken men, drugs, poverty, violence, betrayal, corruption.
目前Looking for Eric在IMDB上的評分維持在8分的高檔,
英國衛報(The Guardian)在五月初針對影片作了篇長文如下(節錄):
The awkward squad Ken Loach and Eric Cantona looked like a mismatch, until they worked together and it turned out they're soul brothers - uncompromising and intense. So how come the result is Loach's most light-hearted movie in years?
->如此怪異的團隊- 肯洛區與艾瑞克坎東納,看似一組不協調的配對.直到他們一同拍片工作,結果,他們變成了心靈之交:不妥協與熱情的交流.何以該片成為肯洛區近年拍起來最得心應手的影片?
April 9 2008, and they are spotted together for the first time. Nobody can quite believe it. Ken Loach is sitting next to Eric Cantona in the directors' box at Old Trafford for Manchester United's Champions League match with Roma. Surely some mistake.
June 16 2008: Eric Cantona stands in a Manchester pub whispering arcane Cantona-isms to a scruffy, unshaven bloke. Cantona is playing big Eric, himself; the other man is Little Eric, a postman who has cracked up, driven hundreds of times round a roundabout at speed the wrong way, ended up in a psychiatric hospital, smoked too much cannabis on his release and now believes that his idol Eric Cantona has become his friend and mentor.
Little Eric learns that he has to think positive and take risks to have a chance in life. Looking For Eric is also a film about old-fashioned solidarity - Cantona tells the postman you must always trust your team-mates, something he grows to appreciate through the film.
Looking For Eric is Loach's first comedy in 20 years. It's a wonderful, humane, feel-good movie. Though, as you'd expect with a Loach film, he still plumbs the depths along the way. The film deals with broken men, drugs, poverty, violence, betrayal, corruption.